I have heard that a man will marry if conditions are most favorable. What does that mean? What makes a man decide to get married?What makes a man decide to get married?
Personality traits...meaning: 1) She is not a gold digger or fair weather partner. 2) If she had the opportunity to cheat and knows for sure that she would not get caught she STILL would NOT cheat. I know we've all seen the cheating questions in here and the women always answer ';I would NEVER do that';...in that case I guess my ex-wife is the only ex-wife in history to have cheated then. 3) She is not lazy...I'm NOT lazy so I cannot tolerate that out of a potential wife cause it sucks being the person who does everything while the other person sits on there a**. 4) She takes pride in how she looks....exercise, it helps with stress, health, sex drive, and how one feels about themselves. My ex once told me after she had gained 70lbs that '; I got you so I don't have to try and look good anymore.'; With that said I never once told her to loose weight or that she needs to go to the gym... God is my witness. I know some women will read this and think I'm a chauvinist pig but I can tell you that what I have listed here is what a Man/Husband should be also...It's not just one sided! By the way, I am remarried to a wonderful woman and she would tell you that I am wonderful too:)What makes a man decide to get married?
I dated just a bit before I met the woman I am married to now, The other woman seemed nice enough and many loved sex which was nice. But when I met her I felt different could not put my finger on it, I wanted to be with her every day, I wanted to hear her ideas, dreams, hopes, I wanted to know everything about her. I wanted to share my life with her, I felt differently with her than the other women, I wanted to wake up next to her everyday, and that drove me nuts, not counting I had a hard time eating, sleeping and I at times bathed twice a day, which was out of place for me,
I will say we started to date in july 1990 got married in april 1991 and we have been married 17 yrs now and it will be 18 in april of 2009, that's so cool, I am glad I married her, I love waking up next to her every morning still, I still love hearing about her hopes, dreams, and plans in life,
I hope I answered your question.
If the woman pays alot of attention to ALL of his needs... not just sexual but overall .....men need to be praised alot for everything, they need to know they're doing a good job and you appreciate them... it is also true they like a woman who can cook... they need to be mothered I believe ...from my personal experiences
The fastest way to get rid of a man is to treat him badly... ignore him emotionally... like he isnt that important to you ....they dont like that much
well i just asked my husband, and he says that its his love that he has for me, and the fact that he didn't want to lose me, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, to grow old with and have kids together.
Lots of different reasons.
Love, money, loneliness, insecurity, religion, family customs, pregnant, etc.
Biggest reason is generally good sex, which generally doesn't last long.
Love, respect and a few things in common are best.
my husband proposed 10 weeks after we met and he said he could never meet anyone better than me and he knew i was the one. he rang his mum after 2 weeks and said i have found the girl i want to marry
If he can't imagine life without her,%26amp; feels a deep love for her.If she treats him well,has a good disposition,is fun,happy and giving.I think that just about covers it,in my opinion.
I guess it depends on the guys, right? I think rare certain types would want love, but there are probably many jerks out there who marry for a bad reason, like for money or sex.
When he thinks he has achieved enough in his life except a good partner
he thinks of marriage
I would like to think love but who knows what goes on in a mans head.
When they know they can't get anyone better
i would think LOVE!
when he isn't getting as much pu$$y at the club anymore..
A man gets married because he's lost all of his sanity by being head over heels for a woman who pretends that she's going to have sex with him after they're married as much as she does before she says ';I do.';
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