Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is it better to elect someone who is a proven businessman or someone who was married to a past pres?

A lot of people can run businesses, but it takes a special person to run a country. I know plenty of business owners who are not cut out to run a country. Hillary has more experience in this area. I don't agree with all her issues, but I'd vote her in over Romney. I don't trust Romney. What's in it for the civil servants? I'm a teacher. My mom works for the Sherrif's department. What about kids? Health? I don't want taxes cut for the rich and my (middle class) taxes going to the war.Is it better to elect someone who is a proven businessman or someone who was married to a past pres?
While I work hard trying to do good in this country for our children, he has the nerve to spit in my face and of all who actually work. They get the smart people to do all the hard work and sit back and dictate what should be done. Disgusting!

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Is it better to elect someone who is a proven businessman or someone who was married to a past pres?
And actually, you should try teaching...but I guess you're too lazy sitting around telling everyone else how to live their lives while collecting my and my fellow Americans' paychecks for your war.

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I think Bill will help Hillary a great deal. It's like electing Bill again. I think he can fix the economy.
Being a successful businessman does not mean you know about economics. Bush was a successful businessman too.
Running a country is very different than running a business. Hillary knows how to do the former.
The last successful businessman that tried to run this country wound up plunging us into the Great Depression - His name was Herbert Hoover and it took the very necessary quasi-socialistic policies of FDR to get us out of it.

Hillary Clinton is a really smart woman who learned a great deal from watching at close range how the machine of the US Presidency actually operates.

It will take { catchers ] Mitt Romney at least two years to figure out the basics of the office the Hillary Clinton already knows

It's sort of like a qb sitting on the bench for 8 years and watching how a perennial all -pro prepares for and plays the game .

When that qb finally does move into the starting spot he's ready for the job -and usually does it well
Proven business man.
I think it's better to elect someone who has actually governed something. Hillary is a Jr. Senator. She has governed nothing. She can argue her vast experience but she really hasn't done anything except be a big apologist for her husband.

The businessman who is ahead on the R. side, at least governed something.
Ideally a proven businessman who was married to a past pres. Too bad none of our former presidents were ever married to men.
if your talking about clinton's, it's better to Elect any one from the streets then to have sex scandel in the White House again
It is better to elect a successful businessman. Mitt is a proven leader and he has shown that he can take failing businesses and make them thrive. He did that with the SL Olympics. He is a leader who knows how to get things done and focus on what matters. The president is the head of the executive branch of our government, shouldn't we elect someone with proven executive/leadership skills?? Right now we are heading into a recession, we need someone who knows how to use business to grow jobs.

Hillary has no leadership experience. Being married to the president doesn't qualify anyone for anything. She is a career politician. Career politicians only know how to grow government, increase their own power, buy votes and manipulate voters. She is a big government politician. That is not the right solution for our problems. Growing government usually creates more problems and takes away person freedoms..

Bush was a businessman, but he wasn't a very successful one. Romney has a history of fixing broken companies, this shows me that he has what it takes to fix our economic problems.
It's better to elect someone who has experience in world affairs and ';real world'; politics.

That narrows the field significantly.
  • lips
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