yes... being married dont change who she created the baby with
Sorry... i think he just want to keep her and the baby...Can a Ladies boyfriend be listed as father of her baby if she is married to someone else?
I don't know if it is the same in all states, but here in Ohio if a woman is legally married to someone and delivers a baby, the husband is listed on the birth certificate even if he is not the biological parent. Even if husband cannot possibly be the father (like is he's in jail...) he is still listed on the bc. She has to take legal action to have paternity tested and have the father's name be changed. It is lengthy and tedious but it can be done.Can a Ladies boyfriend be listed as father of her baby if she is married to someone else?
I know in ohio, i have been told, that they will assume the husband is the father. If the husband and her have nothing to do with one another, then there probably won't be any issues. I would put the true biological fathers name on the certificate that is what is going to matter. If there are issues in your state maybe she should could leave the fathers name off of it until she is divorced if that is what she is intending to do. I would call a local family law attorney and ask them to be sure.
In NC the husband has to be listed as the father and after divorce, DNA, and court through child support DSS or what ever then the real babies father can be listed. I know this happens a lot more then we know where the lady is married but no longer with the husband they just did not get a divorce. A lot of people are going to read this and think the lady cheated!! I'm sure some kind of paper can be drawn up before the baby is born saying that the lady will not go after the husband for child support and that the bf will take all responsible for the child maybe just to help the husband from being so upset or mad (if he is) over this.
If there is any doubt, the space should be left blank until a DNA test confirms paternity. The father of the child will be providing financial support. If he is the boyfriend and the woman chooses to remain married and the husband will assume paternal responsibility, the biological father can give up his parental rights.
No. This is not true, in any state. However, I know that in some of those northern states, if the father (being you) has not contributed any money to the pregnancy or baby (not sure of the exact amount or anything) that they could legally lose all parental rights, if the system were to find out. This could be because the mother tells them, or a tip from someone else. They did a show on it on Dr Phil the other day.
holy cow ask jerry springer!! I dont know but what is she doing staying with the husband if he isnt the father and is she intending to pass the child off as his as that would be hard if its not his name on the certificate not to mention cruel. If however she is married in name only and not living with the husband then yes she can put whoevers name she likes on it
Depends on the state! Most will put the husbands on it and you will have to fight it in court. Take the tests and such. I know 2 people going through this now. 1 in Michigan and 1 in Wisconsin.
Neither cheated, both just stayed married for some silly reason!
I would demand a paternity test as soon as the baby is born. If it's indeed the boyfriends then his name would be on the birth certificate. This also, clears the room for any doubts anyone has about who the father is.
it should have to be blood related.
unless you change it legally,
then you would have to go to court,
and prove why you are a better father then the real father.
As long as the boyfriend signs it...if he doesnt agree then most likely a dna test would be ordered by a judge if there is question on who the father is
The ladies boyfriend can be listed if he is the babies father. The father and mother's relationship has nothing to do with the baby being born. good luck
all depends on the state.....most states it is automatically presumed that the woman's husband is the I'd watch out for that.
who ever the actual father is can be the father
Yes, any male can be listed as the father, regardless of their marital status.
yes if the boyfriend is the father that is the name that should be put on the birth certifcate
Not too sure, but my guess would be yes. You are supposed to put the father's name on the certificate, whoever that may be.
whether your married or not.
is your boyfriend the father?
if so put him on the certificate.
sounds right to me
Yes if you are the father.
yes if you are the father you have your name on the birth certificate
Pretty sure she can list whomever she wants on the birth certificate...but dont quote me on it.
Has to be not can be. It's a legal issue.
You would have to take a DNA test first.
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