Saturday, July 31, 2010

What are some good books to read before getting married?

My fiance and I will be starting premarital counseling soon and I was just wondering if you know of any good books to read about marriage or preparing for marriage?What are some good books to read before getting married?
I recommend everyone to read these:

Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman鈥?/a>

Created to Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl鈥?/a>

Who Me? Obey Him? by Elizabeth Rice Hanford鈥?/a>

1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married by Monica Lehay鈥?/a>

I am so glad that you are going through premarital counseling, this is a very wise thing do.

How can you know for sure you're marrying the ';right'; person?

The main causes of divorce are: infidelity, finances, addictions, abuse. If any of these are issues from previous relationships (or have come up in your relationship with the person) you know this isn't the type of person you want to marry. I think you CAN know a person well enough before you marry them to know what to expect in a marriage with them. I think most people have a hard time examining the person they are marrying from a critical/analytical view point. But if you really want the marriage to last a lifetime you have to examine the person's character traits.

God Bless You,

BeckyWhat are some good books to read before getting married?
Love and Respect by Emerson. Extremely eye opening. Talks about the difference between men and women, and how to handle each one differently (Guys need to be respected, but girls find loving more natural...and Girls need to be loved, but guys find respecting more natural)
Hands down for me has to be the Karen Kingsbury Series. It it a fiction series, but has a powerful message written by an awesome author! I very highly reccomend this series.
Marriage for Dummies
One of the best books I can suggest is '; Men are from Mars and women are from Venus '; A whole lot of truth and explantion about each other done in comedy fashion .
Saving your marriage before it starts--by Les and Leslie Parrott
the bible?

the koran?
Definitely. Read

Second Chance... by Jane Green.

You will learn a lot before you enter your marriage.
';Misery'; by Stephen King
Why does bad things happen to good people.
Theology of the Body by John Paul ll
As I lay dieing. (;

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